Every industry has multiple problem areas where optimization could deliver significant value. As consulting firms, software vendors, visionaries within companies and industry analysts have begun adopting optimization, use cases have begun to spread into other industries including Healthcare.
The Provider space meets all the requirements for optimization to deliver value (see blog entry on how to spot an optimization use case):
Through our work with customers and partners, we have seen time and again how solutions that leverage prescriptive analytics drive unique insights and improve planning significantly vis-à-vis using Business Intelligence (BI) tools and/or Excel. Use cases range from the strategic through operational planning. Here are a few examples:
The more operational use cases (such as scheduling policy optimization) can be delivered within weeks, driving multiple times ROIs within 12 months. Tactical applications, such as driving the monthly planning process across a hospital (also known as Integrated Business Planning or Enterprise Optimization) deliver very high impact, sometimes approaching 5% of revenue in additional margin (or the corresponding improvements in access to care, quality and cost). The power of these solutions is they connect functional silos through true drivers and constraints.
Finally the strategic applications – such as the transition from fee for service into an ACO – are designed to optimize a future business model while predicting, quantifying and minimizing risk with a new level of understanding. The value of these solutions is transformational and in some cases has enabled a new level of dialogue between a Provider organization and policy makers.
Healthcare providers are going through significant transformation, whether driven by cost pressures, new incentives, new regulations or changes in industry business models. Prescriptive analytics in healthcare can help Provider organizations not only make the right decisions, but also gain a competitive advantage. If you are concerned about the ability to absorb a new type of planning capability, there are multiple service providers that have strong capabilities in prescriptive analytics – feel free to contact me if you’d like an introduction!