Automotive Spare Parts Business: Business Challenges and Supply Chain Excellence Strategies

Great news for our readers in the Automotive Spare Parts Industry! Our partners at GitaCloud recently wrote an article on supply chain and the automotive industry. Below is a brief excerpt of the blog post. The full post can be found via this link

"This blog post covers business challenges and recommended supply chain excellence strategies to deal with them for Automotive OEM companies, specifically focused on the Automotive Spare Parts Supply Chain.


When we put together the increasing strategic importance of spare part business with the inherent complexity in managing this business, we can appreciate the complex challenges and the large business value of spares supply chain excellence for Auto OEMs. The best in class performers will manage their spare parts business in a forward looking and advanced analytics driven manner when it comes to spare parts demand forecasting, inventory optimization, and integrated business planning across the multi-enterprise landscape.

I will cover the following areas in this post for Automotive Spare Parts Businesses:

1. Growing Strategic Importance of Spares

2. Maturity Stages: Crawl-Walk-Run

3. Organization Structure Choices

4. Multi-tier Distribution Network

5. Forecasting & Planning Challenges

6. Forecasting & Planning Strategies

7. Supply Chain Performance / KPIs

8. Closing Remarks


To read the full article, please visit this link.

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